Wobblevision/Episode Guide
From the depths of the Shakespeares Head in darkest Holborn
comes a Beer & Blakes 7 production
in which Servalan comes out as a penguin and a crew
member is doomed.
Inspired as ever by Emma Peel.

Yawn, its the Liberator
library shot again.

On the Liberator, Blake tells the crew of his daring plan to go
Earth and steal Servalans laptop. Avon says it is too dangerous.

Gan tells Blake he is willing to go along with the plan as
long as Blake doesnt get him killed.
Its a deal, says Blake with his fingers crossed.

Meanwhile, on Earth Servalan surprises the
resistance movement, with deadly consequences.

Blake and Gan teleport down to Earth.
You sure youre not going to get me killed, says
Stop whinging, says Blake. I hope you remembered
your crash helmet.

Avon and Vila join them on the planet and meet them at
the old English church of St Teroknor.
Vila has a communion whine: Thats handy, he says.
Well need a miracle if we are going to get out of this

Kasabis brat Veron shows them what a gas the planet can be.

Gan knocks the door down so they can escape.
Be careful that doesnt fall on your head, says

Veron arrives back to discover that Servalan has killed mummy.

Servalan tries to comfort Veron in
a very pervy way.
To Part Two!
Wobblevision/Episode Guide